Basic Network Topology
In this short lab, I’m going to set up a very simple network topology utilizing two routers and one switch.
To start, I’m going to connect all my devices along GigabitEthernet using a straight through copper cable. To make sure we actually get power, I’m going to add a power supply to the switch and enter the CLI and just go ahead and skip basic set up.
Next, I’m going to head to our first router and open up its CLI. Likewise, I’m going to skip basic set up and use the “en” or enable command and then go into global configuration mode (conf t).
From here, I’m going to begin setting up and giving the router an assigned IP address. So, from the conf t command, I’m going to enter “interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/0.” I’m getting the 0/0/0 from the cabling that we had set up at the beginning. If there was any question of this, however, we could always check our connections by using the command “show ip interface brief.”
Next, I’m going to use the command “IP address (IP Address) (subnet)” in order to assign an IP address and establish the subnet. Then, I’m going to use the “No shutdown” command to bring the link online. From there I’ll use the “end” command and then the “wr” command to save the configurations I’ve made.
For fun, I also modified the hostname of the router. To do this, I simply entered global configuration mode again and then used the command “hostname (name of choice).”
Here’s a quick video of how it turned out!